Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Maybe. It could mean a yes or a no or everything in between. There is a song by Yiruma played on the piano and it is entitled maybe. Just imagine, a girl who is sitting by the window and it is drizzling outside. The clouds are grey and she wonders whether the guy she likes feels the same way about her. Well, maybe he does, that was what she thought. Someone once said, think of that situation and then play the song. With that, emotions will be felt through the touch of the fingers.

Would not it be easier if maybe never existed? One thing is clear though, when a girl says maybe, she actually means yes. In most cases, she just wants to test the waters and have a little fun while at it. If. Another word that can make a person think harder than possibly anything else. The possibilities that run through a person's mind can be excruciating and puzzling. Not even statistics in mathematical studies can beat the what ifs in life. Yet again, just imagine a day without maybes and ifs. Life would be uneventful, plain and lack of enigma. What is your say?

Till the next post, XOXO.

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